Marchman Act
Addiction Recovery Legal Services
When nothing else works. We do!
Purchase your Marchman Act
Legal Guide today!
The Marchman Act Legal Guide has been created offering specific procedural guidance and forms for individuals having to implement a Marchman act case on their own. It was designed to provide the necessary assistance and guidance so the individual do-it-yourself petitioner can successfully move through the entire Marchman Act litigation process and get their loved one help.
We are here to help!
We are a boutique private Florida law firm that focuses solely on helping you and your loved ones deal with addiction through the Florida Marchman Act.
Focused on The Florida Marchman Act
Addiction Recovery Legal Services is the only law firm in Florida whose sole focus is Marchman Act implementation and litigation.
We’ve handled more than 3000 cases. Our experience, training, and education provide you with the best Marchman Act advice available.
Don’t waste another moment hoping things will get better.
Call now. 1 (877) 35-ABUSE or (954) 759-3429
[ONLY $75.00]
Schedule an Appointment Today
Find out how we can help.
Scheduling an appointment for an in-person or telephonic in-depth consultation about the Marchman Act is easy! Consultations last 30 minutes and cost only $75.00.
Why do we charge a consultation fee?
Our consultation fee is a small price to pay for those trying to determine whether implementing the Marchman Act is right for them.
Other attorneys who offer a Free Consultation should be questioned as to their experience and expertise, as these attorneys have just recently entered this area of law and have only handled a minimal number of Marchman Act cases.
Don’t waste another moment hoping things will get better.
Call now. 1 (877) 35-ABUSE or (954) 759-3429
Successful Confidential Court Interventions
Helping Families Bring their Loved One into Treatment and Recovery with the Marchman Act
Addiction Recovery Legal Services, LLC is a boutique private Florida law firm that only concentrates in helping families deal with addiction through the Florida Marchman Act.
Call now. 1 (877) 35-ABUSE or (954) 759-3429
[Committed to success]
Our Attorneys
Our commitment to you
Our commitment is the same as every friend, parent, spouse or relative of someone suffering from addiction; To obtain immediate compulsory intervention and detox for the addict with a seamless transition into an extended period of court-monitored treatment that will ultimately equip the addict with the necessary tools to regain a lifestyle of abstinence, independent recovery and health.
ARLS will utilize every legal avenue available under the Florida Marchman Act statute to help addicts and families fulfill this commitment. We stand by this commitment.

Alan Levine
Florida Marchman Act Attorney
Alan S. Levine, Esq. is the founding Partner of Levine and Associates and founding co-partner of Addiction Recovery Legal Services, LLC. He has been a member in good standing of The Florida Bar and the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, since 1990.

Ted Marrero
Florida Marchman Act Attorney
Ted Marrero has lived in Orlando since 1971. He is the son of Cuban immigrants who came to this country in the 1950s. He was born in New Jersey but raised in Orlando, graduating from Bishop Moore High School, University of Florida and finally Nova University Law School in 1989.
Call today to obtain more information.
(954) 759-3429
We can help!
*All calls are strictly confidential.
Addiction Recovery Legal Services LLC
888 S. Andrews Avenue
Suite 203
Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33316
T: 1 (877) 35-ABUSE
F: 1 (954) 522-2584
We Accept All Major Credit Cards